Have you ever asked the person cutting your hair what they do for a living? Have you drop-kicked your phone across the room in an attempt to catch its fall? If so, this is the game for you. Stupid Stupider Stupidest will have you reliving your biggest face-palm moments as you compete to see which of your friends is the dullest tool in the shed.

Great party game!!! We laughed until someone literally peed themselves. Not a competive game, just fun and gets the stories going!

— Durand (Amazon Review)

Wow. This game. If you like feeling stupid, in a fun way, this is the game for you. Just know, you will have fun and your stomach will hurt from laughing.

— Jacob (Amazon Review)

It’s a great funny game for a small patty, it encourages talking and it’s guaranteed to make you laugh!

— Nicol (Amazon Review)

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